Sunday, December 18, 2011

Short & Sweet: Organization Idea

Hello everyone! I have been unbelievably busy preparing to move out of state with my little family (2 cats & my handsome man) so I have been very behind on getting posts up. All of my furniture & crafts have been already moved to Washington (which by the way makes me miserable) so I thought I would post a little somethin' pertaining to organization.

I have many, many ribbons. Pink ribbons, white ribbons, small ribbons, large ribbons, you name it! This is one amazing way to organize and keep your ribbons from tangling. I myself have been frustrated on numerous occasions trying to find a piece of scotch tape to hold the ribbon on it's roll, then having to peel it off for the next use. Or even worse, messing with rubber bands. Argh, hate that. Anyway, this method gives easy access, with compact storage.

I originally found a photo of this on pinterest, and immediately jumped up and ran around the house like a chicken with my head cut off because I knew I had the same basket...but didn't quite remember where. That's pretty typical of me, since I'm almost always misplacing my car keys & cell phone. :) Fortunately, I found it after minimal searching. *insert sigh of relief*

Since my crafting supplies are over a thousand miles away from me, I didn't have many ribbons on hand to display for the photo. I stuck my zippers for sewing behind the ribbons to hold the rolls tight. Once I'm re united with my crafts, I'll be able to put ribbons on the other side as well. :)

Hope this short & sweet post will inspire you to organize your crafting supplies, or heck, organize other parts of your house!
....yeah, right. That can wait. ;)

Washington bound in 12 days,